Rabid Development Apps

Language Practice 1.0
Translate sentences from your nativelanguageto non-native or from your non-native language to native.The lessons in this app follow the word introduction structureofDuolingo.More lessons and languages will be continually added.
The Chosen (Text) Fight 1.1
A text-based fighting game in which youcanATTACK or DEFEND.Fight against people you've encountered in life, such asacollege professor, sibling, coworker, or your nightmare. Selectaweapon among everyday items like a baseball bat, yo-yo, fryingpan,rusted machete, and more.Each weapon has a unique property that'll aid you in winningyourfight!Players are able to choose their own stats. Mix it up andfigureout which stat combination works best for you and yourselectedweapon.